Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fish Food

I don't eat ANY seafood
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
by the fistful.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Inside Out

It was 60 degrees out today
same as inside.
I wore my shirt backwards AND inside out.
The weather is as confused as I am...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Second hand information

As soon as anybody offers a compliment to something
I am wearing I immediately begin a lengthy story about
how the merchandise was discovered which ALWAYS
ends by me anxiously revealing the shockingly low sticker price:

Don't they look expensive, I got them used..and they were only $5!!!

They're plastic.
Can you believe Payless carries shoes that look this good? $29!!!

I never shop and when I do I can't find anything I like.
I bought THREE pairs for just $6o!!!

After the price has been revealed I give detailed directions to the store, write the name down if I have a pen handy and offer a bunch of encouragement to go out and do the same.

It's time for me to learn how to just say,


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Stop sign

Getting started
is always hard.

It's even harder
knowing when
to stop.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A simple soup

I thought a new place for lunch
opened up across the street.
I'll admit it...
I was pretty excited.
There is nothing to eat around here
so I pack food.
Today I packed nothing...

Through the window I saw
two men looking at a laptop,
a cake stand and lots of rolls.
I pulled the door handle HARD.
It didn't move.


I went back to work

Later I watched the guys enjoy their
tomato vegetable soup from "the new place".

They knew to push.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

In Sickness and in Health

I arrived home from San Francisco to a
clean house,
clean laundry,
groceries and

I brought back a cold with a fever.

I give Zach all the credit for me getting better
it could have been much much worse.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Book ends

I am dreading my commute
now that I have finished my most recent novel.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm officially 30

I wheeled and dealed and got a hotel room for $70 a night.
I've scheduled almost every lunch, dinner, breakfast & happy hour
for my three day trip to San Francisco next week.
I wrote about my pleasure for purchasing plane tickets on this blog.
I have even thought about what coat to pack...

Actually make a plane reservation.

I picked my flight and even chose seats,
but I never quite booked it.
It is still a mystery to me.
There is NO record of my reservation.

And it's a holiday weekend and
space is very limited
so I am greatful to be 30 . . . A
(the last window seat)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No interest

Time to talk taxes and year end already

and reality is setting in:
I am going to have to deal with the piles,
the overstuffed drawers
and so so many pieces of paper

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Can Good

Got a new cell phone ONLY because my previous one shattered.
The updated model has a colored screen and a MILLION buttons.

TO DATE: I cannot even make a simple call.

Monday, January 09, 2006

My 2 cents

I hate hate hate hate HATE to fly.
However, I DO enjoy booking the plane ticket.
I even like making hotel reservations...
It is such a cut and dry process and not a real technical one.
There are no difficult forms to fill out or text heavy paragraphs to read.
And when the process is completed I really feel like I accomplished something.

Buying stamps online is a simularly satisfying experince.
Again, for some reason this task makes me feel productive.
Lately, I have been drawn to the antique planes.
I bought enough of them to last me for months.
Very productive. VERY Satisfying.

Too bad the rates went up.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Finishing off the secretarial duties of 2006 is much much easier with a vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers on my desk.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Gimme an A!

I never shop during the middle of the day. Today I had to run some errands and I found myself in the midst of the holiday markdowns on Broadway. I am a bad shopper, wracked by guilt.

But I need new bras and shopping for them almost seemed productive.

I know my size.
I know the sale price was truly a deal.
I know I require this highly engineered padding.

I selected a few and saw the velvet rope marking the line that was wrapping around the store.

I walked out with nothing realizing
size DOES matter.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Top Shelf

I can make a 3 to 4 course dinner in less then an hour if I am limited to even the barest of ingredients that remain in the cabinets, freezer and door of the refrigerator.

I panic when I am forced to make a decision as to what to prepare while I am at the grocery store. The options are endless. I over complicate and overdo the meal.

I find limitations freeing.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Observed

trains are on a holiday schedule
no mail today
I was first in line to get coffee
not one horn honked during my walk in